The public finance and funds management legislation involves many areas of human activities and applies not only to the public service authorities and public organizations but more and more concerns also private persons (e.g. grant beneficiary, subsidized contracting entity). This legislation is usually complex and the persons responsible for prudent and effective management of public funds often cannot copy this task, provided they want to minimize the risk of a breach the law and related financial impact, without the help of a professional who can properly interpret and apply the appropriate law. We provide legal consultancy in all areas concerning the public finance and funds management, and we are particularly focused on the following areas:
- Public procurements: consultancy, managing invitation to tender, if the client acts as a contracting authority and potential consequent representation in proceeding held by the Economic Competition Authority (ÚOHS) and administrative courts, representation in public procurement procedure if the client acts as applicant, including the preparation of particular procedural steps (e.g. bid, application for additional information, objections);
- projects from EU funds, public grants: consultancy to a public funds granting authority in adjusting processes, internal regulations (rules) formation, representation of beneficiaries in granting proceedings and in follow-up audits;
- financial audit in the public service sector and management and control systems: consultancy focused on adjusting the systems in conformity with the Czech and EU Laws and on their effective functioning;
- state aid: consultancy to granting authorities in adjusting the grant programs or in planning other expenditures that may potentially contravene the EU Completion Laws; consultancy to grant beneficiaries in meeting the requirements arising out of block and other exceptions.